Be Proud

Talking with Trees Book 1

Be Proud Childrens Book for Elementary Social Emotional Learning / Character Education

A warm and engaging story that teaches kids about honesty, listening to your conscience, and growing from mistakes.

Settling down behind an old oak tree for a secret game on his game player, a boy is startled when the tree strikes up a conversation. The wise tree helps him learn that even if he doesn't speak a lie, sneaking and hiding something you know is wrong is still dishonest. By reflecting on a time when the tree saw the boy's father in a similar situation, the boy discovers "Oh no! I have a conscience."

With some gentle but honest guidance, the tree helps the boy realize that the best reason to be truthful is because you can feel good in your heart when you are proud of your choices. In the end, the boy grows from his mistake and his self-confidence soars as he chooses a path he can be proud of.

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Paperback and ebook available.

Teaching Resources

Be Proud is an excellent book for elementary social emotional learning and character education. This SEL book includes a discussion guide at the end of the book. Free worksheets, lesson plans and more elementary SEL teaching resources are available online, ready to include in your in-person or remote lessons. See teaching resources.

Discussion Guide SEL Curriculum Resources


Pages: 24
Published: 2011
Second Edition: ISBN Print: 978-0984905683 || ISBN e-book: 979-8986777634
First Edition: Print ISBN: 978-1467921909 | ISBN e-book: 978-0984905607

Be Proud Childrens Book Interior Page

"A conscience is that voice in your head, and feeling in your heart, that tells you if something is right or wrong, even when no one is watching."

Teaching Resources

Grade Level

  • K - 4

SEL / Character Ed Topics

  • Self awareness, Growth Mindset, Positive Relationships, Decision Making, Forgiveness
  • Traits: Honesty, Trustworthiness, Caring, Respect for Parents

Social Emotional Learning Themes

  • Teaches about listening to your conscience, telling the truth, being truthful in your actions, and showing respect for parents.
  • Reinforces a growth mindset as it teaches children to forgive themselves, face a tough choice, and make a good choice even when it's hard.
  • Helps kids build self esteem and self confidence by feeling good about the choices they make on their own. Turns making mistakes into a character building experience.
  • Emotionally engaging, over-size pictures help children feel the difference between making a bad choice and making an honest choice they can be proud of.
  • Helps children strengthen their ability to choose between right and wrong, even when no one is watching.

Be Proud Downloadable Resources

These are just a few of the elementary social emotional learning resources related to the children's book, Be Proud. Explore our SEL teaching resources catalog for more options.

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Be Proud Children's Book on Honesty and Conscience

Be Proud

Second edition: ISBN Print: 978-0984905683 || ISBN e-book: 979-8986777634

First Edition ISBN Print: 978-1467921909 | e-book: 978-0-984905607