What is Honesty Worksheets- Picture-based

Character Ed / SEL worksheets for grades K-1
- printable PDF or fillable fields for remote learning

Honesty Worksheet for kindergarten SEL / Character Education

Understanding Honesty


Children learn several aspects of honesty /dishonesty including telling the whole truth, deceiving, stealing, placing false blame.

Grade Level

K-1 (pre-reader)

Character / SEL Topics

  • Honesty, Trustworthiness
  • Social Awareness, Social Skills
  • Positive interpersonal relationships

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Honesty Worksheets- Picture-Based Examples

How to use this Worksheet

Explain Honesty

See the "What is Honesty" Definition for kids. or try the What is Honesty Presentation.

How to use this worksheet

In these worksheets, children use clues from the pictures to decide if the characters are doing something honest or dishonest. Students can write or type an X in the fillable field to mark whether the action is honest or dishonest.

Lesson Plan on Honesty with Worksheet

See a full lesson plan with this worksheet.