Grit and perseverance are getting a lot of attention right now. Educators and human resources directors alike are responding to studies that show children who have the grit to persevere through life’s challenges are ultimately more successful in life. But how do you encourage grit and perseverance in kids? One way is to inspire them with stories of others who have faced challenges and come through them with grace and dignity.
The movie 1000 to 1 is a great way to show kids what it means to have grit. The movie is based on the true story of Cory Weissman, a high school basketball star who suffers a debilitating stroke during his first year of college. The movie portrays Cory’s amazing perseverance as he rebuilds his physical abilities. With quotes like, “How you react to something is just as important as what happens to you,” the film offers countless teaching opportunities. Cory’s unrelenting sense of humor shows children how to face challenges with optimism. As they watch Cory relentlessly face setbacks physically, in his friendships, and in his sport, children learn about how to have grit in the face of adversity. Cory stays focused on his long-term goal, demonstrating a growth mindset. And in the end, when he almost reaches his goal, kids see a reality check on setting goals and knowing when to adjust them.
Grade level: upper elementary, middle school, high school students (Note there is a scene at a college party that is very tame. There are also two very chaste kisses between college age kids.)
Find more videos that teach perseverance and good traits in our Best Character Ed Videos List.
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Colleen Doyle Bryant is the author of five books and more than 50 learning resources about making good choices for the right reasons. Her Talking with Trees series for elementary students and Truth Be Told Quotes series for teens are used in curricula around the world. Rooted in Decency, Colleen’s most recent release, written for an adult audience, explores how the decline in common decency is affecting wellbeing, and how we can build more trust and cooperation. Learn more at