Quote on Being Bigger / Respect

Positive quotes for kids

Being Bigger Means... - Quote for kids SEL and character development

"Being Bigger means you treat others how you want to be treated, even when they haven't been that kind to you."

-Talking with Trees Books

When someone has been unkind, it can be hard to treat them with respect. But our greatest peace keepers have taught us to be the bigger person, even when it seems unfair.

This respect quote, drawn from the book, Be Bigger, teaches kids that being unkind in response to unkindness doesn't get you want you really want. Instead, by showing respect in response to someone else's disrespect, we set an example of how we would like to be treated. We come out as the bigger person, with better character and maturity.

Character / SEL Topics

  • Self Awareness and Self Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Positive Relationships
  • Traits: Respect, Caring

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